
Desktop Wallpaper: December 2011

I’m so excited to close out this year’s series of monthly Designer Desktop with Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles for Good Design, as illustrated by Aaron Wood, maker of those infamous Social Media Propaganda Posters that were so popular this year. Aaron says, “I’m a huge fan of good, clean, simple (and functional) design. Dieter Rams was also a huge proponent of this. Choosing his ten principles of design was a no-brainer, since it really reflects on a lot of what I believe in as well.”

Click on the size below to download:

1024×768 \\\ 1280×1024 \\\ 1680×1050 \\\ 1900×1200 \\\ iPhone \\\ iPad

View and download past Designer Desktops here.

If you are interested in being involved in our Designer Desktop project, please email us at [email protected] with more info about your design/art skillz.

Jaime Derringer, Founder + Executive Editor of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things—running, reading, making music, and drawing.