Technology and nature combine together beautifully in Julia Koerner’s latest collection, created in collaboration with Stratasys. Giving nod to the intricate and natural organisms of the ocean, the collection uses the latest technology to 3D print clothing that’s flexible yet also has strong architectural lines.
Dubbed The Sporophyte Collection, the collection consists of three, ready to wear, high-end pieces. A Hymenium Jacket, Kelp Jacket, and Kelp Necklace were 3D printed with breathable, rubber-like materials that moved naturally with the body. Each contains labyrinthian patterns that emulate the natural structures of dried kelp and fungus and couldn’t be formed by traditional manufacturing processes. The whole collection took only a few days to print, although months to create due to the complexity of the patterns.
Photos: Ger Ger. 2015 for Schön! Magazine (UK), September Issue.