
Use that Wall: The Trellis Re-invents Itself

However small a patio or terrace may be, its walls are too often overlooked and under exploited when designing the space. In the late 90’s walls started getting a little more attention and we saw powerful colors applied on a single wall to make a statement. Having a red wall was very “en vogue.”

A few weeks back I posted about creative textiles that work brilliantly on walls. Beyond paint and fabric art, here a few extra options now available with a special focus on the trellis, which can be used to actually help grow plants or work as outdoor wallpaper. Flora, an outdoor brand to get on your style radar, has teamed up with a number of designers to explore the classic trellis and update it.


French designer Arik Levy created “Comb-ination,” inspired by honeycomb (above). It works as a clever grid that you can organize the way you want and use either as a support for your plants or as decorative element. The elements are available is three different sizes to allow for maximum flexibility.


The Grow No. 55 was designed by designer Stefan Diez and is probably my preferred re-interpretation of trellis cooked up by the Flora team. It has a less organic feel to it and so the contrast with the plants it can hold and nurture is even more exciting.


With Grow No. 66, Louise Campbell offers an interesting, more conceptual piece of work. Working on the idea of bricks, the traditional material found in the old fashioned “walled gardens,” she delivered a grid offering the illusion of bricks and the idea of a plant growing on them.

In the next few weeks, I will share some other ways to use that wall! I would love to know about any designs you fell in love with and will happily share them!