
The Morpholio Project Announces the Winners of Pinup2014

The Morpholio Project just announced the winners of the online Pinup2014 competition. The free competition was geared towards students, young professionals, and aspiring designers, where they were invited to submit studio, 3D printed, or unbuilt work. Their goal? To promote the voices of students and emerging young talent out there.

Fresh, inspired talent makes us giddy at Design Milk, so I was thrilled when they asked me to be on the jury along with awesome people from ArchDaily, FastCompany, Design*Sponge, Core77, and more. After lots of deliberation, and I mean lots (it was so hard to choose!), here are the winners the jury picked, as well as honorable mentions, and honor awards:

07.25.14 | By
The Morpholio Project Announces the Winners of Pinup2014