
A Glass Table For All Seasons by Jean-Marie Massaud

French designer Jean-Marie Massaud has crafted Seasons, an all-glass table that’s designed to be used every season. Made in Italy by Glas Italia, the low table features a retaining basin in the center that can be used for various things, like as a vase, a flower box, or an aquarium. You can even get one with a burner that’s fueled by bioethanol for a little cozy fire.


Realized in tempered and glued, transparent extralight glass, the table allows you to place objects inside and around the basin for display.


The central basin is watertight thanks to a special glue, so using water in it is an option.


The beauty of the design is that you can change it up whenever you want and whenever the mood strikes. Seasons is available through SUITE NY.


Caroline Williamson is Editor-in-Chief of Design Milk. She has a BFA in photography from SCAD and can usually be found searching for vintage wares, doing New York Times crossword puzzles in pen, or reworking playlists on Spotify.