Take 5: A Community for the Future, Low ABV Beverage + A Cozy Throw
Every other week we’re inviting one of the Design Milk team to share five personal favorites – an opportunity for each of us to reveal the sort of designs we use and appreciate in our own lives from a more personal perspective. Senior Editor Kelly Beall returns this week for our Take 5 series…

1. OstrichPillow Natural Lavender Candle
One of my favorite scents, when it comes to relaxing or otherwise, is lavender and OstrichPillow’s new natural lavender candle is perhaps the best I’ve smelled yet. It’s meant to be lit as a reminder of your own rituals – reading, meditating or however you unwind – and there’s an included set of stickers to write your intention upon. The 100% soy vegetable wax candle has a cotton wick and is non-toxic and vegan with 45 hours of burn time.
2. NEOM The Line
I’ve been fascinated by this new model for urban sustainability since first reading about it last month. A bold model for the future, NEOM is a sustainable centerpiece of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision. It’s a location focused on new standards for community health, environmental protection and the use of technology. 40 percent of the world’s population will be able to reach NEOM’s location on the Red Sea in northwest Saudi Arabia in less than four hours. Currently being built, NEOM will act as a living laboratory and hub for innovation, a sustainable ecosystem for living and working and a model for the New Future (NEOM means, “new future”).
3. Erinn Springer
Specifically her Dormant Seasons series as it captures her home as a photo essay. The collection is full of stunning black and white imagery, but this one resonated most with me. Maybe because it’s winter, or maybe it reminds me of areas near where I live as well. Springer says, “Like the earth, human behavior revolves around the sun. We operate on cycles of warm and cold, awake and asleep, light and shadow. Winter, a time of rest before the verdant bloom of summer, is dormant on the surface, but when experienced or examined closely, it is alive with a warmth that deeps our sense of place and defines our sense of home.”
4. Haus
Haus is a low ABV beverage made using natural ingredients, like fruits, herbs and botanicals, in Sonoma, California. It’s a great option if you’re in the mood for a drink that lies somewhere on spectrum between whiskey and wine. You can drink it alone or with simple mixers like soda or tonic. Unique flavors like Spiced Cherry, Lemon Lavender and Bitter Clove will have you rushing to sign up for their Membership.
5. Norden Norrebro Wool Throw Blanket
It’s been a cold winter in the northeast, and my gas bill is *showing it*. That means grabbing a few layers when I feel the urge to turn the thermostat up another notch, and this wool throw is stunning. It’s the kind of home decor that I’d probably hang on the wall during warmer months rather than tuck away. Made of custom jacquard that uses 88% virgin New Zealand wool and 12% cotton, this blanket is sure to last a lifetime.