
Tiger from Hello Wood 2012 Art Camp

Hello Wood is a weeklong art camp in Hungary where 200 young people, led by various architects and designers, come together and create projects for eight different Hungarian communities. The students, with the help of their mentors, come up with ideas based on the socio-economic concerns of these specific regions. The eight projects are then presented to the communities during a party at the week’s end.

One of the projects that really stood out was the Tiger. It was designed and built by Gábor Miklós Szőke with the help of his fellow team members: Ádám Farkas, Eszter Móricz, Tamás Nádasdy, Krisztina Sárkány, and Zoltán Török. The sculpture was part of the Wood Workshop and was created for the Szakácsi community.

The artist’s intent was for the Tiger to “protect” the people of the community and for it to “stand for power: the power of togetherness, self-advocacy and taking up the challenge.”

Be sure to check out the rest of the projects here.

Caroline Williamson is Editor-in-Chief of Design Milk. She has a BFA in photography from SCAD and can usually be found searching for vintage wares, doing New York Times crossword puzzles in pen, or reworking playlists on Spotify.