We all seem to covet our time in nature so it’s only natural that these outdoor furnishings will make our lives not only easier, but more enjoyable. Even though it’s winter now for most, take a swing back through the 10 best outdoor finds that will make summer seem not that far off in the future.
10. Pit Out Tree Lights by e27
Minimal lights that strap onto any tree or post to give you the directional light you need for your outdoor soirée.
9. Natural Resin / Volcanic Basalt Furniture by Maffam Freeform
Would you believe that indoor/outdoor furniture could be made from volcanic basalt fibers and natural resin? It can and the ultra durable material gives the furniture really interesting shapes and textures that no one else on your block will have.
8. DVELAS Furniture Made from Sails
This company takes old sails and re-purposes them into modern, comfortable outdoor seating that you know will last since sails have to weather the storms (ha) when out at sea. They also include info on the sail’s origin so you can find out what boat it came from.
7. WiFi Gas Fireplace
Since smartphones are taking over the world, they can also now take over your fireplace. That means, you can control your fireplace with your smartphone through the fireplace’s built-in WiFi connectivity.
6. Falper Fireplaces and Planters
A portable, freestanding bioethanol fireplace that can be moved to wherever you need a fire instead of having people move to where the fire is. They also have planters to match.
5. The Wallbanger by Urbancase
For anyone who likes to entertain, the latest in outdoor must-haves is a wall-mounted bar. Mount this bad boy to the exterior of your house and when it’s time to get your cocktail on, fold the front down and serve up your drinks.
4. Menu Pin Tables
A portable side table that pushes into the ground in an instant, whether you’re at the park, beach, or in your own backyard.
3. Swingrest by Dedon
The ultimate lounger on a swing so you can rest to your heart’s content while enjoying the sunshine and a drink on the Corian table. Heaven…
2. FieldCandy Tents
Take your sense of humor and a little fun with you the next time you go camping in the form of a limited edition designer tent. Digitally printed designer flysheets are bound to make camping more fun, right?
And the MOST popular Get Out! post of 2012 was…
1. Wall & Decò Outdoor Wallpaper
Wallpaper for your outdoor walls, or as they call it OUT – Outdoor Unconventional Texture. Spruce up any wall with a multitude of fun, modern patterns to turn any dull surface into a focal wall.
Which is your favorite?