Besides the usual suspects from the gadget and sports-related categories, men aren’t always the recipient of the most creative gifts. (yeah, we’re talking about the classic golf-themed tie, Cosby sweater, and “World’s Best Dad” mug!) And that’s a shame, because there are endless opportunities available today to make any guy look, feel, and function better not having anything to do with socks, ties, or yet another As-Seen-On-TV gadget. Here are 10 gift picks for the gent in your life with a keen eye for good design, a sense of fashion, and an appreciation for long-lasting utility.
Nomos Metro Datum Gangreserve watch \\\ $3780
Such simplicity in an age of overwrought features, branding, and embellishment – the Nomos timepiece by Berlin-based designer Mark Braun is the anti-smartwatch, a fully windup manual watch with its own tiny reserve power indicator, something I can…and wish…was on my wrist.
Capsule Wallet \\\ $70 – 85
One of the best decisions I made this year happened after meeting Capsule founder Robert Sha at Dwell on Design, who convinced me to ditch my overloaded wallet for one of his finely constructed minimalist wallets. Now I can’t believe I used to weigh down my back pocket.
This Is Ground Mod Mobile \\\ $200
I travel with a similar larger edition any time air travel is involved, but these newly released iPhone 6 Plus compatible folios are equally great for commuters who keep their phones naked and want to bring along accessories in an orderly fashion, fashionably.
Aether Nimbus 3-In-1 \\\ $825
This Los Angeles apparel company is committed to all varieties of functional sportswear, and their vest+jacket outerwear system easily adapts to changing weather conditions utilizing hidden snap connectors and a 3-layer waterproof shell. Also, if you ride a motorcycle, be sure to check out the geared up, Canyon Motorcycle Jacket.
The Chapter Titanium Knife by James \\\ $275
Every gent should have a pocket knife, as they prove irreplaceably useful during unimaginable situations when you least expect it. I prefer a serrated combo blade and a titanium frame housing, and a stainless steel blade should last for a lifetime.
The Porter by Thorocraft \\\ $160
Any gent’s wardrobe would benefit with the addition of these handmade hightop pigskin suede, textile, with a contrast raw Vachetta leather heel cap detailing which gives these urbane kicks the fashion wiggle room to dress up or down. Seriously back in black.
Manual Coffeemaker Nº1 \\\ $80
There’s something to be said about making your own coffee manually instead of waiting in line at Starbucks, especially using the pour over method which results in a more nuanced cup. Perhaps even more satisfying if the brewer looks like this former Kickstarter now available for pre-order and shipping this month.
Nike Chuck Posite QS iD \\\ $270
I’m old enough to remember – and once wore – the original 1997 Nike Air Foamposite One these new kicks are fashioned after. Thankfully, the refreshed limited edition and online customizable design named after the Chuckster avoids being “turrible”, a shoe with a neck-twisting low polygon count style metallic upper partnered with a glow-in-the-dark outsole. The Chuck Posite QS iD shoes are probably the most industrial design-y hoops shoes since the Audi TT-inspired Kobe Adidas, and I love them for it.
Le Labo Santal 33 solid perfume \\\ $85
Don’t get it twisted, even though these bullet shaped objects are labeled as perfume, the scent within is undeniable masculine (a musky leather with bright spiciness crackling across each whiff). And like any well concocted scent, a little goes a long way, which makes the solid scent handy for throwing into the gym bag.
Vacation Days Made Rock geometric print series \\\ $36 – 720 each
Men often don’t have anything up on their walls and their homes are worse off for it. The quartet of photographic collages from the Future Desert series are constructed from textures captured from Los Angeles sidewalks, a gritty grey geometry even the art-reluctant bloke can appreciate.