
Cute Dog Patches from Kodiak Milly

Maybe it’s because I grew up in the ’80s, but I’ve always had a thing for patches. Sewn or ironed onto a backpack or jean jacket, they’re an expressive way to tell the world about yourself: “I have great taste in music!” “I’ve been to cool places!” “I like unicorns!” These super-sweet embroidered patches from Kodiak Milly are like membership badges for the dog-lovers’ club, featuring cute artwork and slogans like Only dog can judge me, In dog we trust, and My dog is my BAE. Check them out at Kodiak Milly.



Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.