
A’ Design Award & Competition 2015: Early Bird Call for Entries

The following post is brought to you by A’ Design Award and Competition. Our partners are hand-picked by the Design Milk team because they represent the best in design.

06.16.14 | By
A’ Design Award & Competition 2015: Early Bird Call for Entries

I know 2014 is barely half over, but A’ Design Award is already preparing for their 2015 award competition. The early nominations deadline is June 30th, so be sure to get on over to their site and register.

If you’re not familiar with it, A’ Design Award and Competition seeks the best in design from around the world in over 80 different categories, grouped by content. Some of the category groups you might be interested in learning more about are the Good Industrial Design AwardGood Architecture Design Award, and the Good Product Design Award.


Their distinguished award is more than just a shiny mantle-worthy object. In addition to an actual trophy, you get a certificate, score card, major press, assistance with preparing your portfolio, marketing on and offline as well as an invitation to their annual gala. Your designs will be reviewed by an international jury panel of scholars, professionals and media members.

Here are some of this year’s winners we absolutely love. Just think – you could be featured here next year!


fascickle Lamp by Fumiya Ino

Photo by Ramón Vasconcelos

Photo by Ramón Vasconcelos

Duna Loungechair by Mula Preta Design


HYBRID DAB radio by Mathieu Lehanneur


Screen House Eco Residential by Renaissance Planners & Designers (first image also)


Romotow Mobile Home by Stuart Winterbourn & Matt Wilkie


Opx2 Optic Installation by Jonathon Anderson


ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster by Anna Rita Emili for altro_studio

Photo by by Yohei Sasakura

Photo by by Yohei Sasakura

House in Tamatsu Residential House by Kenji Ido


Bamboo Micro-Housing Transitional Residence by Dylan Baker-Rice

Photo by by onesproduction

Photo by by onesproduction

NI LED Parasol by Mr. Terry Chow and Excellent-Group team


Marken Desk Home Desk furniture by Claudio Sibille

Remember, the early bird gets the worm, so register now to get started submitting your work. Learn more about A’ Design Award and Competition here. The deadline for early submission is June 30, 2014, and results will be announced to public on April 15, 2015.

Jaime Derringer, Founder of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things – running, reading, making music, and drawing.