
Desktop Wallpaper: August 2013

This month’s desktop is by Jethro Wilson who chose the quote, “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions” by Oliver Wendell Holmes. He says of his design:

The quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes really struck a chord with me, I feel the design represents the vast expansion he talked of – it is the next step and I’m already looking for the next bigger, better step after this. An idea any smaller than the previous fails to inspire, but this is exciting as I want to surpass myself and impress those who see my work with every new piece.

Click on the size below to download:

1024×768 \\\ 1280×1024 \\\ 1680×1050 \\\ 1900×1200 \\\ 2560×1440

RETINA MACBOOK PRO: 2560×1600 \\\ 2880×1800.

BONUS: iPhone 4 \\\ iPhone 5 \\\ iPad

View and download past Designer Desktops here.

Jaime Derringer, Founder + Executive Editor of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things—running, reading, making music, and drawing.