
Dog Illustrations by Rona Green

Dog Illustrations by Rona Green

I discovered Rona Green‘s dog illustrations through Four & Sons, and something about her work is very endearing to me. The Melbourne, Australia-based illustrator, painter, and sculptor’s drawings and prints feature anthropomorphized, heavily-tattoed, rough-and-tumble-looking dogs who all seem to have a softer, more delicate soul lurking behind their humanoid eyes. They remind me a lot of photographs of shelter dogs — dogs who may have a harsh, scarred exterior but who really just want to be accepted and loved. (OK, OK. That kinda sounds a little cheesy. But you know what I mean, right?)

Dog Illustrations by Rona Green

Dog Illustrations by Rona Green

Green professes herself a “fancier of Egyptian art,” and you can certainly see that influence in her illustration. Her blog is an entertaining collection of other things, from the art world to pop culture, that inspire her work.

Dog Illustrations by Rona Green

Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.