

My dogs love boarding, and — let’s be frank — sometimes I don’t mind a little vacation from them. If you’re traveling with dogs, however, it can sometimes be hard to find accommodations that welcome two- and four-leggers alike. Enter DogWonderful. This easily-navigable travel resource site quickly points you toward dog-friendly accommodations in your destination, complete with detailed information on each hotel’s pet policy — and you can book your room straight from the site. There’s also flight and rental car resources as well as features on dog-friendly destinations. DogWonderful provides so much information, the only question that remains is whether your dogs will welcome you on their vacation.

Hotel search results can be sorted by price, star rating, or other factors and include rate per night, guest reviews, and special information on pet policies (including whether they’ve been verified, and when) like applicable pet fees, number of pets allowed per room, and other pet-related rules, regulations, and amenities. I did a search for my own town of Asheville, NC (not a sprawling metropolis) and was surprised by the number and variety of search results DogWonderful returned — dog-friendly digs for both the budget-conscious and the biscuit-on-the-pillow type.

Cool, huh? Bookmark it — DogWonderful.

Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.