
MilkWeed: Go Green During Winter with Terrariums

As green leaves turn brown and the sky more gray than blue, it’s a good time to think of saving a little summer green for the indoors via terrariums. These mini world capsules provide visual warmth and literal humidity inside when things are chilly outside. They also make good holiday gifts, but given that they are better when the plants are given a little time to establish themselves in their new home, now’s the time to start planning if you’d like to make some DIY terrarium gifts this year. Terrariums run the gamut from artistic (like the Paula Hayes one above) to straightforward; from high maintenance to no maintenance, so enjoy the choices ahead.

Terrariums need not always be dramatic. Find an interesting bottle at a flea market like these specimen bottles used by Seed To Stem. Insert either cut glass and a water plant or moss. A family of them together brings life to your window sill or mantle; and if one dies…there are still more left to enjoy!

West Elm carries a line of Shane Powers containers like these “fish bowls” that could be used for fish, but aquatic plants or cacti don’t require the water to be cleaned each week.

A bonsai plant like this one above from CaptainCat on Etsy literally brings a miniature forest inside. Decorate it with mini-bulb lights or balls this holiday for high cute factor holiday decor.

And if miniature is your thing, the idyllic scenes of Terriplanty set the scene for your next screenplay. Whimsical and mysterious, her creations always amuse and leave one wondering what you’ve just walked in on. Ready to make one yourself? Don’t stress as you may already have everything you need.

A cake server and platter creates the perfect vessel and the right amount of enclosure. Select your plants, layer your materials and sit back and observe. Frost and snow not included, so you’ll be transported to a tropical world all winter.

All image sources and links can be found via Kara’s Pinterest board, Plant Love. Still need more inspiration? Check out more terrariums here.

Kara Bartelt is a design strategist in practice at kara b. studio. Kara enjoys the design process on all scales via her architectural practice, Lettuce Office, or by creating botanical art with air plants, via toHOLD. She wishes at 11:11 each day at Kara writes the Design Milk column, MilkWeed.