
Halloween Hounds 2011

Photo: Flickr, nonnyV

Well, pups, Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s time for Dog Milk’s annual Halloween costume roundup! While browsing Pinterest and Etsy might give me delusions of grandeur in the DIY department, if you’re anything like me, you’re a) not very crafty and b) always throwing things together at the last minute. So if you’re interested in dressing your dog up this year, a ready-made costume might be just what you’re looking for. Good news: we’ve rounded up some of the best dog costumes to be found on the interwebs for 2011. Check ’em out after the jump.

One big Howl-oween trend for 2011 is cartoon characters. Perhaps your pup would enjoy dressing up as a beloved cartoon pet, such as Astro or Dino. A hilarious Blues Clues or Smurfs costume might have your dog feelin’ blue (in a good kinda way).

Dressing dogs up as other animals will, for whatever reason, always be funny. Animal Planet’s hammerhead shark and elephant costumes are elaborate and, in a word, awesome. What sort of animal fits your pup’s personality? A spider? Caterpillar? Pig? (See how happy all these pups look? Dogs totally love wearing costumes.)

Retro-inspired costumes are always fun, so how about picking out a throwback look for your pup? Your little gal can channel the ’50s with a cute poodle-skirt dress, or relive the ’60s with a pink bouffant ‘do or as a peace-loving hippie. (Although, if you’re from the South like I am, you probably have at least one living female relative who’s still sportin’ that bouffant.) And if your pup’s tough (and tolerant) enough, he or she could pull off this ’70s/’80s punk costume like a champ.

If retro’s your thing, why not go super-retro and go prehistoric, dude? These dinosaur dog costumes from Animal Planet rank among my favorites of the year. That raptor costume? Flat-out rules.

Oh? What’s that you say? You’re more into scary costumes? Well, then how about the scariest dog costume of all…. THE VET:

Of course, many dogs (such as mine) aren’t going to tolerate wearing any of these awesome costumes, and possibly with good reason. If your pup’s a little persnickety but you don’t want to miss out on the fun, you can either settle for a festive bandana or collar, or try a costume that’s built more like a harness, like this cool rodeo rider.

So, after weeding through hundreds of dog costumes, wanna know what my very favorite is?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…. the King.

Whether you dress up your dog and hit the streets this Halloween, or just stay home and treat your pup to a tasty Halloween snack, be sure you keep your pup’s comfort and safety in mind. Check out Pup Life’s Halloween dog safety tips for good information on how to make Halloween safe and fun for everyone in your family. Happy Halloween!

p.s. Take a look at last year’s roundup for some more cute ideas!

Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.