
Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

04.25.13 | By
Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Huskymutts Mingus and Dottie enjoy their job as official Dog Milk doggie product testers, especially when it means eating things or playing with toys. (And sometimes those two activities tragically intersect.) In this month’s installment of Mingus & Dottie Try It, these two pros put the Holobon and Holobal from Petprojekt to the test. Check out our review below!

[Disclosure: Mingus and Dottie were sent some Holobons and Holobals from Petprojekt/Otomik Products to review. All views and opinions are our own.]

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Petprojekt’s Holobon and Holobal are toss, fetch, and chew toys made from 100% natural rubber. That means they’re phthalate-free, cadmium-free, lead-free, and BPA-free, i.e., from safe and non-toxic material. Appropriate sizes are available for small as well as medium/large dogs, and the Holobal comes in both round and football shapes. I love their cute but cool design and modern look. Also, look at the bright, pretty colors! Yay for bright, pretty colors.

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Since they’re made from rubber, Holobon and Holobal are squishy, bendy, and super durable. Mingus and Dottie wasted no time in sinking their teeth into the bone and ball and happily exercising their jaws. Since the Holobon and Holobal are — you guessed it — hollow, you can easily slip treats inside to add to the fun.

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

As Mingus and Dottie discovered, Holobal and Holobon are great for chewing, but they also make fantastic toss and fetch toys, too. Their rubbery composition and funny shape cause them to roll around somewhat haphazardly and bounce unpredictably, which equates to endless entertainment if you’re a dog.

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on the strength of your dog’s chompers), since Holobal and Holobon are so strong and durable, they don’t float, which would have been super cool. However, since Mingus and Dottie’s chief M.O. with toys seems to be “Let’s see how quickly we can turn this into confetti,” on our list of Most Desirable Toy Qualities, ability to float is far surpassed by ability to withstand tough, serious, hard-core chewing. And I’m pleased to say that Holobon and Holobal passed the Mingus and Dottie Durability Test. After much gnawing, grinding, chomping, and chewing, Holobon and Holobal still look good as new. And when they get a little dirty (why do my dogs get everything so dirty?) they can be easily washed with soap and water.

Mingus & Dottie Try It: Petprojekt Holobal and Holobon Toys

I’ve always been impressed with Petprojekt’s toys, and Holobal and Holobon are no exception. You can check out Holobon, Holobal, and the full Petprojekt line at Petprojekt.

Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.