
Piggy by Materious

While at the New York International Gift Fair, I was at the Object Design League booth where I met Bruce Tharp of Materious. He presented me with his newest project, Piggy.

Piggy is a set of two piggy banks — one large and one small (“momma and child”) that nest together. The concept is to begin the conversation with your child about giving to charity, instilling philanthropic values at an early age.

I was very touched by this concept, and chose this product as my choice for the Bloggers’ Choice Awards for the NYIGF. This award is chosen by eight leading design site editors choose their top picks for “urgent, odd and delightfully designed” products from the summer 2010 edition of the NYIGF’s Accent on Design® division.

From the designers:

We believe that this simple product, Piggy, can truly make the world a better and more compassionate place.

Piggy helps teach kids about charitable giving, with the hopes of inspiring new generations of caring, sharing, philanthropic citizens.

With 12,000 children born each day in the US, imagine the social impact if just a fraction of them learned powerful lessons
of gratefulness and kindness to others.

We suggest that children learn to set aside 10% of their income to charity. Parents can discuss with their kids about who they would want to help most. When the baby bank is filled, a special event can be planned to deliver the money to the charity, or a trip to the bank and post office to mail a check.

The goal is to create positive feelings of doing good will make an indelible mark upon their character and place philanthropy as an important and intrinsic aspect of their life.

Piggy is made of ceramic and has a rubber plug on the bottom. It is available in white or pink.

Jaime Derringer, Founder of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things – running, reading, making music, and drawing.