
Tunnel Furniture by Noga Berman

Tunnels by Noga Berman is a series of pieces that explore our relationship with our furniture by creating nooks and crannies where we can hide parts of our body or our whole selves.

From the designer:

Just as a cat seeks out hiding places or small spaces to slip into, I wanted to create furniture that can encompass all or parts of the human body.

I searched for hiding places within the house, observing children playing “hide and seek” and looking at illustrations in children’s books. I examined dark and private places that can contain the human body (for example: under the bed, behind a curtain, under a hat).

I created a human-scale object that can be used for lying down, sitting and storage. The technique of wrapping elastic bands creates tunnels, a perspective space, and peek holes. Thus, the user can choose his personal way of using the furniture.

The technology used for making the objects is that of bending metal tubes and wood etching. Elastic bands are wrapped around these and closed with Velcro.

Photos by Tomer Zmora.

Jaime Derringer, Founder of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things – running, reading, making music, and drawing.