
Vitamin D: Take Action

(click on the image for a larger version)

On a day like 9/11, we all kind of stop and reflect a little… even if for one brief moment. On the train to work, while making dinner, right before we fall asleep. I’ve never had a near death experience, but I’ve talked to people who have. They take action. I wasn’t always a go-getter, but as I’ve grown older, I realize that life is way too short and precious to sit around and wait for things to happen. So I quit my job and took a risk with this blog. I email people I want to work with. I ask. I do. I make it happen. Sometimes, we’re all just kind of waiting for things to come our way, but we can’t always sit around and wait. You are the force that can make change happen. Take action.

About the designer: Kristie Feltner is a recent graduate of Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. Just a few months ago she relocated to Atlanta, Georgia where she now lives and works as a graphic designer. Feel free to check out more of Kristie’s work on her portfolio site.

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Jaime Derringer, Founder + Executive Editor of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things—running, reading, making music, and drawing.