I love design and I love coffee. But I don’t like waking up in the morning. However, the NESCAFÉ® Alarm Cap might make it a little easier to get up and out of bed… It’s a limited edition 3D-printed cap that glows and plays different sounds to awaken you.
The cap was developed by Publicis Mexico’s Innovation Lab in collaboration with NOTlabs, the creative studio of Los Angeles based, design inspiration company, NOTCOT Inc. It utilizes seven different tones synchronized with light, which are scientifically proven to create a soft and natural awakening, ending when you open the cap to enjoy the aroma of NESCAFÉ®.
Each piece was hand-assembled in California, with the exteriors 3D printed in nylon by Shapeways on an SLS printer, and the interiors 3D printed on a Makerbot, an FDM printer. The cap’s interface combines an OLED screen, a four way joystick, and runs on an Arduino-based platform.
The electronics development in collaboration with Eric Brockmeyer. Pattern illustration on the NESCAFÉ® Alarm Cap box and pamphlet by Charmaine Choi.