
Sticklight Creates a World of Adventurous Possibilities

11.29.23 | By
Sticklight Creates a World of Adventurous Possibilities

Light does more than illuminate: it helps you claim space. At least that’s what designer Thor ter Kulve had in mind when creating Sticklight, a contemporary interpretation of the classic torch, for Weltevree. The portable outdoor lighting also adds a sense of adventure and playfulness to picnics, patios, and more.

“This claiming of a place is a kind of primal instinct, something people have always done. We used to draw shapes of bears on a cliff, later we marked our presence with light,” ter Kulve said.

a couple sitting on a pink picnic blanket with two outdoor torches

“When I look at my surroundings, I often think: What if I could make this place even more exciting, even more fantastic? Often the answer to this question is a product in which the user enters into a relationship with the environment,” he shared. “This is also the case with the Sticklight, which gives you a kind of identity because you decide how to use it. Where do you take it? Are you going to discover something? Experience an adventure? That way, as a user, you enter into a relationship with your environment. And that is my ultimate goal. I want to make people bewildered by the environment we live in by looking at what is right in front of them.”

outdoor torch in the middle of a forest

Claim your space with Sticklight by firmly poking the pin at the bottom of the pole into the ground. Tada! You’ve just created a bit of personal space in the outdoors that’s yours for a little while. Sticklight’s portable, minimalist design helps to make these moments feel more like the indoors – cozy and warm. Made of powder-coated aluminum, Sticklight is available in Bottle Green and Oxide Red.

outdoor torch in the middle of a forest

Sticklight can also be put to use indoors with an available wall and base holder. It could contribute to the ambiance in the study, bedside, or any number of spaces thanks to three light modes that range from functional to mood lighting.

person using and outdoor torch in the forest

a foot pushes a spike into the ground

spiked pole stuck into green earth

two outdoor torches illuminate a path

an outdoor torch on the bank of a river

detail of an outdoor torch

detail of an outdoor torch's base

detail of an outdoor torch

detail of an outdoor torch's base

detail of an outdoor torch's ground pike

outdoor torch on white background

To learn more about Sticklight, visit

Kelly Beall is Director of Branded Content at Design Milk. The Pittsburgh-based writer and designer has had a deep love of art and design for as long as she can remember, from Fashion Plates to MoMA and far beyond. When not searching out the visual arts, she's likely sharing her favorite finds with others. Kelly can also be found tracking down new music, teaching herself to play the ukulele, or on the couch with her three pets – Bebe, Rainey, and Remy. Find her @designcrush on social.