
Deadgood Launches the Hug Chair Which Utilizes the Lloyd Loom Process

09.21.18 | By
Deadgood Launches the Hug Chair Which Utilizes the Lloyd Loom Process

For Deadgood’s latest design, they experimented with the patented weaving process Lloyd Loom, which is about 100 years old, peaking in popularity in the 1930s. After trial and error, they discovered they could manipulate the woven material by applying it to a plywood shell that rests atop a recycled steel frame. The result is the Hug Chair, which debuted this week at designjunction during the London Design Festival

a modern chair made using a traditional type of weaving.

While the Hug Chair utilizes the traditional weaving material, they’ve achieved creating a modern design that feels perfectly balanced and timeless. The British-made design has launched with a dining and lounge chair version

Caroline Williamson is Editor-in-Chief of Design Milk. She has a BFA in photography from SCAD and can usually be found searching for vintage wares, doing New York Times crossword puzzles in pen, or reworking playlists on Spotify.