Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. – Alan Alexander Milne
There are three daily habits I’ve learned to practice while working from home: prioritizing the “inbox” (whether physical or digital), constantly minimizing clutter, and maximizing usable storage space. While the first two habits are behavioral, the last requires planning and utilizing the right organizational tools, whether it be for wrangling items strewn across a desk or files across the computer’s desktop.
If the issue of disorganization is digital in nature, easy enough, a common (or luxuriously uncommon) external hard drive plays the part of digital filing cabinet. But where we most often struggle isn’t the desktop, but our desk’s tops. The Grovemade Desk Collection offers a unified solution, emphasizing the aesthetic, ergonomic, and space efficient detailed in warm wood finishes and leather surfaces.

The Monitor Stand raises screens 4″ from the desk surface for a more ergonomic viewing angle, reducing neck strain. The space underneath provides additional storage space.

Available in both black walnut and maple, the Grovemade Keyboard Tray is designed for use with the Apple wireless keyboard. A cork padded aluminum base and cork padding offers storage for small stationery items, including three AA batteries.
The complete Grovemade Desk Collection is available online now.