
Knit Dog Toys from Ware of the Dog

Ware of the Dog makes some of our favorite dog sweaters, many of which are hand-knit in Nepal by craftspeople who benefit from Ware of the Dog’s sales. Ware of the Dog’s fair-trade program also produces a collection of a-dor-a-ble little hand-knit dog squeaky toys, my favorite of which are the collection of food, from apples to cannoli. As you can imagine, we’re especially fond of that little milk carton. Check out the full collection at Ware of the Dog.







Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.