Whether you’re a cyclist, a jogger, or just walking around your neighborhood at night, safety is key. Instead of sporting one of those ugly (no offense) orange or yellow reflecting vests, how about something that you can incorporate into your own wardrobe? Sweden-based designer Angella Mackey worked for two years with Kate Hartman and the Toronto-based Social Body Lab to create Vega Edge, a small and stylish light that easily works with whatever you’re already wearing.
Whether it’s nighttime and you have the Vega Edge on or it’s during the day and it’s switched off, the device looks good. It’s small enough to look like a cool accessory but effective enough to put off enough light to keep you safe at night.
Vega Edge is made of laser-cut leather that has a thin strip of retro-reflective fabric integrated into it, along with a circuit board that lights it up.
The super strong magnets let you attach it to your garment or bag in a mere seconds. Simply move it to your next outfit when you change your clothes.
They successfully funded their Kickstarter campaign earlier this year and will be selling the Vega Edge on their website soon. Sign up for their newsletter for updates!