
A Lamp Designed to Simulate Natural Light From Sunrise to Sunset

11.14.23 | By
A Lamp Designed to Simulate Natural Light From Sunrise to Sunset

If you’re one of the millions affected by SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, you’re probably already readying yourself for the change in sunlight as summer’s long days slowly diminish into memory. Many people affected by the condition rely upon light therapy to ease the effects. While SAD lights have been proven effective, many of these lights designed for treating the seasonally induced depression aren’t exactly the most pleasing to keep around the house out in the open. Many resemble plasticky luminous tablets rather than a traditional lamp. SKYVIEW’s pair of sunlight simulating lamps aim to boost mood without requiring that degree of compromise.

Bedside lamp on aluminum base pedestal with glass globe diffuser, glowing a gentle white and pink light washing across the bedroom's walls, nearby beds and beside dressed with books and small glass across the top.

BIOS, the company behind each of the SKYVIEW lights, identifies as a biology-first lighting company that designs their products in accordance to well-documented scientific research aligning our body’s physical and mental state in relation to our exposure to natural sunlight throughout the day. They also set out to design lamps that feel/look like part of the home, lighting you can use throughout the year by the bedside, at the desk, or your favorite reading corner.

Smaller SKYVIEW 2 table lamp set across white desk set near open MacBook with floating shelf overhead with books and small decorative items. Lamp is glowing in a pink to blue gradient.

You may be wondering, “What’s the difference between these lights and countless high lumen, blue light options already available?” SKYVIEW adds automatic brightness and light temperature adjustments throughout the day, glowing a proprietary quality of illumination at comfortable brightness levels that won’t blast your retinas into awakened submission that changes incrementally in accordance to the time/light outside.

SKYVIEW 2 PRO lamp set on midcentury wooden desk with splayed legs and Eames-inspired shell back chair in orange. The lamp is glowing a gradient of white and blue, with a nearby framed Apple-inspired graphic poster print on the floor to the right of the desk. Against the walls are the shadows of shutter blinds.

Both lamps are also designed to deliver this optimal wavelength of light at a height simulating sunlight shining from above the horizon, styled with a contemporary aesthetic sensibility that appears more like a normal modern lamp rather than a light treatment tool.

Young man in blue long sleeved top, black jeans and sneakers reading a book on a red loveseat, with a small set of nesting side tables topped with SKYVIEW 2 lamp glowing from the corner.

Young man in soft gray pocket t-shirt at his MacBook Pro with SKYVIEW 2 Pro lamp to his left.

With SKYVIEW, this diverse spectrum is displayed as a pleasing gradient, the “blue sky” wavelength that our bodies have evolved to respond to positively.

Additionally, SKYVIEW differs because the light each lamp puts out isn’t merely bright, but replicates the diverse spectrum of natural light. Daylight isn’t composed of a single color, but all of them (this explains why we can see so many different colors at their best in natural sunlight).

BIOS and SKYLIGHT co-founder, Robert Soler, standing between two large halves of a sphere with white interior holding LED wands of light, illuminating his face in a warm glow.

One of the minds behind SKYVIEW is the near aptly-named Robert Soler, the company’s co-founder and EVP/Research and Technology. Soler’s resume includes efforts aiding NASA to develop lighting system onboard the International Space Station to help astronauts maintain healthy circadian rhythms while orbiting weeks in space. He has also worked with Olympic and professional sports teams to mitigate the effects of jet lag.

SKYVIEW lamp lighting settings iOS app screen showing scheduling options. Schedule is controlled by a circular graphic displaying the natural brightness of light throughout the day.

Using the app, the lights can also fill-in for the typically intrusive wail of an alarm clock, easing the body into a state of awakening incrementally.

SKYVIEW offers two models with similar specifications: 1,302 lumens of LED powered brightness, die-cast aluminum base, 80 color rendering index score (the measurement of how accurately color is rendered in relation to the output of light), each with an estimated 50,000 hours lifespan.

A warm orange sunset seen outside a window is mimicked in hue by the SKYVIEW 2 Pro table lamp. A book stamped with "Law Library" is stamped across the bottom pages.

Mixing in warmer colors versus glowing singularly bright-blue light helps both the mind and body awaken during the day. A relaxing and warm amber spectrum during the evening hours aids in readying the body for sleep.

The difference between the two options? The $949 SKYVIEW 2 PRO is taller (20.7-inches versus 11.6-inches) and also includes a handblown glass globe rather than the lighter weight diffused polycarbonate globe featured on the $449 SKYVIEW 2 model. That’s not cheap by any means, but considering either lamp is every bit a health medical tool as they are personalizable lighting solution, it could mean the difference between feeling good daily or counting the days toward spring and summer in misery.

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Gregory Han is a Senior Editor at Design Milk. A Los Angeles native with a profound love and curiosity for design, hiking, tide pools, and road trips, a selection of his adventures and musings can be found at