
Cocinare Essence 2-in-1 May Be the Ultimate Portable Coffee Grinder

08.14.23 | By
Cocinare Essence 2-in-1 May Be the Ultimate Portable Coffee Grinder

Coffee connoisseurs abide by the belief even the best roasted beans deliver suboptimal flavor if the wrong grind setting is used. Joining a myriad of other factors, including quality of water, temperature, pour rate, etc., the most dedicated of coffee purists will often bring their own grinder and beans everywhere they go to ensure this level of quality while preparing their favorite beverage. The Cocinare Essence 2-in-1 grinder was designed specifically for this demographic of discerning drinkers of coffee culture.

Two Cocinare Essence coffee grinder, one in portable mode, the other attached to the base, set on a black marble countertop.

The 2-in-1 moniker attached to the Essence is in reference to its two modes of use: one attached to a countertop base/holder, the other, a wireless and portable mode that includes its own bespoke carrying case. Both modes operate free from cords and cables, equipped for more than 30 grind sessions before the necessity to recharge the 1600 mAh battery using a USB-C charger.

Cocinare Essence grinder in both portable and table top mode next to a pour-over setup with glass coffee mugs to the left in a kitchen setting.

The top of the grinder displays three colors to communicate battery levels: green for 50-100% charge, yellow for 25-49% capacity, and red for anything below 25%. The Essence is equipped with 38mm high carbon steel conical burrs delivering the precision to tweak our grind across 80 levels, allowing enthusiasts to dial in flavor with a sort of precision not even expensive countertop burr machines always offer.

We cannot attest to the claim ourselves, but beyond the grinder’s sleek design (a form that evokes the shape and dial of a traditional camera zoom lens), the Essence’s other selling point is its low-noise grind mechanism. Whether using a blade or burr grinder, turning hard roasted beans into a medium conducive to a flavorful cup of coffee is a loud affair, so having the ability to use a grinder that won’t bring unwanted attention is a notable perk.

Cocinare Essence grinder in exploded view showing the grind mechanism

The Cocinare Essence electric coffee grinder is also designed for easy disassembly for cleaning out the burr mechanism within, one of numerous details that garnered the accessory a trio of design awards, including a Good Design Award, Red Dot Award, and iF Design Award.


Detail of Cocinare Essence grinder's various grind settings.

Infographic showing different grind settings and how each grind will look like for various coffee preparation styles.

Cocinare just completed a round of crowdfunding for the Essence 2-in-1, with delivery for those first coffee-passionate adopters scheduled for this month (August), before its eventual TBD general availability offered at $329.

Gregory Han is a Senior Editor at Design Milk. A Los Angeles native with a profound love and curiosity for design, hiking, tide pools, and road trips, a selection of his adventures and musings can be found at