
myouonnin’s Awesome Cardboard Cutout Dog Costumes

11.03.16 | By
myouonnin’s Awesome Cardboard Cutout Dog Costumes

I saw this on Buzzfeed recently, and I quickly filed it away with other stuff that cheers me up: a Japanese dog owner named Semba (@myouonnin) makes hilarious cardboard-cutout costumes for her cute (and very patient) pup, Chihuahua-mametaro and posts pictures (and videos) on her Twitter feed. I am a) happy this exists and b) happy I’ve saved all those Amazon Prime boxes. Check out more at Buzzfeed and on Semba’s Twitter.






Katherine, who lives with her family in the mountains of North Carolina, curated her own dog blog for a couple of years before joining the Design Milk team. If she ever won the lottery, she’d most definitely spend it all on live music & airfare to New York City. Other interests include craft beer, banjos, books, & BBQ.