
A Nature-Filled Office Is Future-Proofed for Modern Work in London

05.22.24 | By
A Nature-Filled Office Is Future-Proofed for Modern Work in London

When London-based practice LOM architecture and design began designing retail banking company NatWest’s new head office, it didn’t anticipate that a global pandemic would eventually shift the way we would work in the foreseeable future. Over the course of the multi-year refurbishment project, LOM adapted to the new needs of the modern office and transformed an old building at the edge of London into a flexible, sustainable, and future-proof workspace.

A person sits at a table using a laptop in a modern, industrial-style workspace with metal shelving, potted plants, and large windows. Light gray seating poufs are arranged around the tables

Modern office space featuring a multi-tiered seating area, wooden table with wire chairs, hanging lamps, and greenery. Several people are sitting and talking on the stepped seating

After deciding to consolidate their London offices from six buildings to two, NatWest’s new head office now sits at 250 Bishopsgate, a sharp landmark designed by EPR Architects in 1998. The multi-phase renovation transpired before and during the pandemic, so LOM was simultaneously learning about the future of the workplace and designing it. There are a number of key features including a new 300-seat conference center on the ground floor, a new bank branch, meeting rooms, an atrium garden and cafe, a roof terrace, and a hyper-flexible co-working hub.

Modern tiered seating with green cushions in a spacious, light-filled area. Vertical black slats and indoor plants are visible in the background.

Modern indoor space with greenery, hanging chairs, a seating area, and a table. Two people are seated and conversing in the lounge area

An open courtyard with glass walls features a wooden gazebo, office table with chairs, potted plants, a vintage vehicle, and people seated on benches

This co-working center offers a variety of spaces designed for collaboration, different modes of working, and socialization. Areas have been configured for casual meetings and the stadium seating style can be used for larger gatherings or individual work powered by plentiful outlets. The calming green and neutral color palette, with the addition of lush greenery throughout the space, creates a sense of lightness and well-being.

commercial office interior with hovering enclosed floors in a large space with glass ceiling

Two men are seated in a modern, industrial-style office space. The area features exposed ceilings, large windows, and contemporary furniture

Modern work area with a long desk, four chairs, built-in bookshelves, a cushioned reading nook, overhead lighting, and plants for decor

Modern office interior with glass partitions, green chairs, white desks, and a few people in the background. The room has a bright, clean design with minimalistic furniture and open space

A modern office with people working, relaxing, reading, and writing on whiteboards. The space includes desks, chairs, and a sofa, creating a casual and collaborative work environment

LOM upcycled and repurposed much of the furnishings on the rest of the office’s nine floors. With an emphasis on flexible functionality, adaptable ‘Flexi Zones’ were developed so that spaces can be easily rearranged for teamwork, quiet work, and events using mobile furniture and moveable walls. These fluid layouts help to future proof the office if protocols and work mandates ever change again.

Two people working in a modern office space with colorful, geometric furniture; one sits on a chair reading, the other at a table using a tablet

A modern office space with large windows, showing three people working and interacting around a conference table, with plants and shelves in the background

A modern office space with multiple workstations. One person is working at a desk while two others are conversing near a glass partition. The background shows additional office areas through the glass

“Dawn, day, and dusk” describes the color themes established by LOM. Each zone throughout the office is characterized by one of these three themes using deep to light shades and fresh to earth tones.

Two glass office doors labeled "Baltic" and "Whitworth" with modern interior lighting and minimal visible furniture

A modern office hallway with glass-walled meeting rooms, grey carpet, a brown sectional sofa with an attached black side table in the foreground, and overhead industrial lighting

The gallery of meeting rooms offers a high quality experience for clients, complete with fine dining catering services. Artwork and artifacts from the bank’s own collections are displayed in and along the rooms reminiscent of a museum or art gallery.

A modern hallway with glass walls, framed artworks on both sides, and ceiling-mounted light fixtures illuminating the area

A modern conference room with rows of empty chairs facing two large screens displaying a nature scene. The ceiling features geometric lighting fixtures and various audio-visual equipment

With its own public entrance, the conference center is fully equipped for events for the bank and third-party users.

A spacious, modern conference room with multiple round tables, a podium, and large screens displaying an image of a glacier. The ceiling features exposed pipes and high-tech lighting

Two technicians work at a control panel with multiple screens in a dimly lit studio, overseeing a large, well-lit auditorium

A brightly colored cycle shed with bikes stored on racks. The wall lists available facilities: cycle storage, showers, lockers, dining room, customer communication hub, and care 2. Two people are present

The “Cycle Shed” on the basement level was previously used as a car garage but was converted into a space for storing bikes, maintenance facilities, changing rooms, and showers.

People in an indoor bike workshop performing maintenance tasks on their bikes. The space is equipped with tools, workstations, and bike racks, and features colorful wall art

People park and retrieve bicycles in a modern, indoor bike storage area with painted walls and signs promoting zero emission transition

Photography by Nicholas Worley.

As the Senior Contributing Editor, Vy Yang is obsessed with discovering ways to live well + with intention through design. She's probably sharing what she finds over on Instagram stories. You can also find her at